Seminars - Mindcare Counselling & Training Ltd

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Time4Me Self Care - essential well-being tools.

Designed to meet your community and workplace needs, these seminars range from three hours to a whole day.
A much needed seminar in todays stressed workplace.

Core topics include:
  •         Stress and Self Awareness tools, including early warning signs
  •         Body Balance - mind-body tools to help relax, grow resilience and find calm.
  •         Communication and courageous conversation tools to support diversity, difficulty and disruption
  •         Caring for the Carers - well-being practices that work for time limited people
Bespoke topics could include:
  •         Trauma awareness/ vicarious trauma prevention
  •         Sustainability in practice
  •         Specific professional or workplace concerns
  •         How the three brains affect practice
  •         Grief, anxiety and depression
  •         The stories we tell ourselves...
Clare has supported the following organisations with their staff well-being training needs:

TeWhatu Ora Counties Manukau (previously DHB)- Startwell Staff and Manager
TeWhatu Ora Southern- maternity staff and managers-
TeWhatu Ora Tauranga Moana- maternity staff, educator and manager-  
TeWhatu Ora Waikato- Women’s Health Service, Radiology Service
NZCOM Waikato branch
MacKay New Life Church
WINTEC 1st, 2nd and 3rd years students,  
PADA- ‘pop up’ zoom presentation- Self care and Resilience
NZCOM Conference presenter
EAPservices workplace presenter
Perinatal Well-Being Seminar: Getting it right from the start.

What happens to the baby’s brain in utero sets the foundation of all potential, growth and development from then on. We know that maternal stress hormones directly pass onto baby and can influence brain development. Helping women in pregnancy with stress reduction and resilience techniques is important.

Midwives, nurses, doctors and other professionals/support people are uniquely placed to assist with this by supporting mental-emotional adjustment required of parents during pregnancy, birthing and looking after baby/pēpē.
Yet many feel ill-equipped to discuss mental-emotional well-being, or how to ‘go there’ when maternal /paternal distress is apparent. Many also do not know how to access maternal mental health support or make appropriate, timely or effective referals.
Welcome to Mindcare’s Perinatal Well-Being full day seminar which aims to ease this burden and grow confidence with simple, effective and practical strategies.
Topics covered in this seminar:
  •         Assessment- holistic mental well-being assessment- including red flags and assessment tools such as EPDS and PASS
  •         Barriers and BUT’s- what helps and hinders practitioner ability to 'go there'
  •         Confidence to Try- practice sessions to help open up the conversation, and practice time to use the assessment tools
  •         How To’s- regarding the big three: Anxiety, Depression, Trauma- including timely and culturally safe interventions
  •         Risk Management- pre-existing conditions and risk of harm- including suicide risk
  •        Timely Referral- how to make whānau based referrals and key information which helps your client get seen
  •         Community Supports: what agencies and supports are out there?
Clare has supported the following organisations with their perinatal well-being training needs:
Hāpu Wānanga ki Tainui
Perinatal Anxiety Depression Aotearoa PADA
Home Birth Aotearoa
New Zealand College of Midwives (NZCOM)
General Practitioners (GPCME)
NZCOM Waikato Branch
SANDS New Zealand
Havening® for Health- the latest neuroscience that creates an optimal mindstate.

Ideal for staff:
  • stress relief
  • resilience growth
  • vicarious trauma protection
  • mind-body connection
  • conflict de-escalation
This seminar includes fun, interactive and practical ways Havening can be applied for staff and client needs. It can be integrated into a staff/client well-being day or half day.
Havening, also known as Havening Touch and Havening Techniques, developed by Dr. Ron and Steven Ruden (see, is creating a breakthrough in holistic well-being by harnessing the body’s own electroceutical power to help reduce stress and build resilience.
Please look at the Havening section of this website to learn more about the body-mind benefits of Havening.
Clare has supported the following organisations with introducing Havening as part of their well-being training needs:
Hāpu Wānanga ki Tainui
Perinatal Anxiety Depression Aotearoa PADA
TeWhatu Ora Counties Manukau (previously DHB)- Startwell Staff and Manager
TeWhatu Ora Southern- maternity staff and managers-
TeWhatu Ora Tauranga Moana- maternity staff, educator and manager-  
TeWhatu Ora Waikato(previously DHB)-

©Mindcare Counselling & Training Ltd 2023.
Site Created by Graphe Art & Design with WEBSITE X5
Helping you go from stress, doubt and procrastination to calm, confidence and action!
Clare Barnett of Mindcare Counselling & Training Ltd is a certified practitioner of Havening Techniques. Havening Techniques is a registered trade mark of Ronald Ruden, 15 East 91st Street, New York.

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